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Thursday, 12 November 2009

Blackberry Or an iPhone? - A Narrative of a Crackberry Addict

Ever since Apple unveiled the iPhone 3 years ago, the mobile device industry has been taken by a storm. The iPhone had enhanced features that outclassed all existing devices in the market. One of the leading mobile device makers at that time, Research in Motion (RIM) boasted an extremely loyal customer base for it's Blackberry phone. So loyal were these users, that it used to be said that once a person starts using a blackberry, he/she just could not go back to using a normal phone.

Soon after the launch of the iPhone, a new breed of mobile phone enthusiasts emerged that were almost as loyal as the Blackberry fans. However, there was a huge difference between these two types of people. The Blackberry users were corporate users (often labeled as 'Suits') while the iPhone fans were more hip and part of the cool crowd that wanted to be different than everybody else.

Fast forward that a few years to today and you will see that the divide continues. iPhone has amassed millions of new users, but not at the expense of the Blackberry. RIM has tried to come up with more user friendly devices that focused on the user interface as well as business related functions. However, even today, it is commonly accepted that Blackberry users stay as loyal to RIM as before.

I started using a blackberry 4 years ago. Initially it was just a fad, a status symbol of some sort that I wanted to be associated with. But within weeks of getting one, I realized how connected my life had become with the Blackberry. The hours (if any) I spent without my blackberry seemed somewhat incomplete because I felt some part of me was missing. Signs of withdrawn, a normal 'crackberry addict' goes through when his Blackberry is removed from him.

Last week, a very close friend of mine started using the Blackberry Bold phone. And now when I see him, he is always tethered to his phone. His eyes squinting at the tiny screen, trying to read the latest email notification or a Facebook poke. It reminds me of how I got hooked in the similar manner a couple of years ago. It is just amazing how people get attached to their phones, the same way over and over again.

Now I am sure iPhone fans have similar stories, but I doubt you can convince one or the other. It's just like trying to convince an atheist that there is god. Personally, the only thing I feel lacking in the Blackberry is it's really tiny app store. My mouth waters at all the new shiny apps I see in the iPhone App Store. Which I hope get ported to the Blackberry soon. But until then, I guess we 'crackberry addicts' will have to do with the measly blackberry app world that we have.

Sam has been in the tech industry for 8 years now and loves to be called a techie. He also moderates an antique ceiling fan website called and helps out people who are looking for antique ceiling fan for their homes.

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unik lucu aneh said...

mana ya sobat..kalo ane..
nokia aja deh bb bisnya mahal .. iphone di indo mahal..
serba mahal deh


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