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Sunday, 15 November 2009

Does One Need Hosted Exchange to Synchronize Business E-Mail With BlackBerry? By Adrian Gates

Mobile phone business users of Research In Motion's Blackberry smart phones are interested in knowing if and how their business e-mail can be synchronized with their handsets. First of all, it is not necessary to use Exchange Hosted to push business email to Blackberry handsets. However, a hosted Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) is required to connect the company's mail server with the Blackberry handset.

Due to the domination of Microsoft Exchange in the business e-mail market, it is quite likely that a business may already be using a Microsoft Exchange server as its mail server, and if not, the business can purchase Hosted Exchange plans easily from hosting service providers. Fortunately, some hosted 2007 exchange server providers also host Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES), and both servers together allow for a full range of features to the business users who may be using Blackberry smart phones, Microsoft's Windows Mobile devices, Palm, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Apple i Phones.

Today, e-mail is generally the first line of communication between employees and customers, therefore it is a critical communication tool for the successful growth of a business. Permanent up-time and instant mobile access to e-mail is an absolute must in today's business user.

The Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) and Hosted Exchange ensure that Microsoft Outlook or other client mail software stays synchronized with Blackberry client. All additions and deletions which are made by one mail client are made in real time and they immediately reflect in the others. This means that your important communications follow you regardless of where you are. Hosted Exchange and ActiveSync enable a similar capability on Windows Mobile phones and Apple's i Phone.

Blackberry and Blackberry Enterprise Server are the trademarks of Research In Motion.

Adrian Gates ( is a Business Manager with Apps4Rent ;which offers premium hosted Exchange, Microsoft Hosted SharePoint Services and Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services.

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Blogger said...

waw BB...nice info sob, usefull...


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